Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mass Communication Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mass Communication Theory - Essay Example The prime requirement of any news story to make it a news story is that is should be accurate and contain facts or ideas that are interesting to a considerable number of recipients. Everyday a news editor and publisher receives a number of different information pieces that fit the criteria of being new but not every news is publishable, therefore there are certain elements that a news piece must have to get the place in the paper or on airtime (Bonnie Anderson, 2004).  Of the most fundamental criteria, that every news article has to meet to acquire a place in the mass media is its timeliness. Although the factor of is not always essential but hot burning news is always eagerly awaited than then the old and stale news and becomes a good news piece easily passing the selection table. Timeliness or temporality of the news or the current news is the very essence of the news media. The importance of this peculiar feature of news cannot be over-emphasized. Proximity also plays its role i n making the news piece get pass the selection process because it greatly increases the importance for the audience. Sometimes novelty and uniqueness of the event also adds importance to the news that makes it qualify the news selection process. Man is always curious to know the things that he does not know before and therefore always tries not let go of an opportunity to satiate certain aspects of his curiosity. Another important element that plays an important role in the selection.... Everyday a news editor and publisher receives a number of different information pieces that fit the criteria of being new but not every news is publishable, therefore there are certain elements that a news piece must have to get the place in the paper or on airtime (Bonnie Anderson, 2004). Of the most fundamental criteria, that every news article has to meet to acquire a place in the mass media is its timeliness. Although the factor of is not always essential but hot burning news is always eagerly awaited than then the old and stale news and becomes a good news piece easily passing the selection table. Timeliness or temporality of the news or the current news is the very essence of the news media. The importance of this peculiar feature of news cannot be over-emphasized. Proximity also plays its role in making the news piece get pass the selection process because it greatly increases the importance for the audience. Sometimes novelty and uniqueness of the event also adds importance t o the news that makes it qualify the news selection process. Man is always curious to know the things that he does not know before and therefore always tries not let go of an opportunity to satiate certain aspects of his curiosity. Another important element that plays an important role in the selection of the news event is the size of the event. A small training plane accident with no human casualty may be news but not as important as a crash of a 747 with over 400 passengers and huge death toll. There is no way such news will not be able to get a place in the news media. The importance of the news is also determined by the policy of the newspaper or news-channel. An economic analysis of the current national affairs done by the economic news

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pure Church Essay Example for Free

Pure Church Essay The service is at Pure Church in Birmingham, AL. I am at the heart of the South, literal marching ground of the civil rights movements in the 1950s. 50 years ago, this place was the launching ground for the black civil rights movement. This is where a revolution rang out from, a revolution that has bore the America of the present day (Rose, 1998). The sitting arrangement is oval in line with the church’s seats design. The church is surrounded with television sets all over so as to allow the congregation gets full view of the sermons. Pictures of young people responding to the emotional charges of the priest flashes all more frequently and families across the ocean, all to Atlanta, Selma and Montgomery and Ohio all get the glimpse of the preacher and the entire proceedings of the sermon from their television sets. Throughout the history the African- American church has maintained a tenacious grip on the gospel outsourcing justice. The congregation here are so emotionally charged and any sign of lack of emotional charge in one individual makes that person the odd one out, and therefore I had to do it as Romans do it as I was on their territory just to fit in the system for I had not been naturally sucked in the system. The congregation is dominated by the young people, majority young women of middle age. Full of energy, this group can stand for long, dance and clap with the tune of the gospel songs booming from the speakers installed around the walls of the church. The preacher, a middle aged man with white attire, symbolizing the holiness of the place, arrives with touching and rendering tunes of the Don Moen’s popular song, ‘arise’. The preacher’s attire contradicts the general attire of the congregation, which seems to be more contemporary and have no clear cut significances of resemblance with each other. The preacher seems to understand his audience well and therefore considering his choice of the topic of the day, dating and Christianity. How well would the preacher show the concern of the modern youth? This is why the preacher would not be irrelevant enough to choose topics like slavery, which were very relevant 50 years ago. In those years, the gospel pierced the soul and when they were laced with social injustice of slavery and racism. But today in this church, full of post- slavery people congregation, gospel edges here is shaved, sanded and smoothened such that the gospel only tickles rather pierce. In between every comment, that is, approximately after every five minutes, the sermon is refreshed with gospel music from contemporary gospel singers like Kirk Franklin. After some time, the whole church is immersed with songs of praise. The choir on the stage, the dancers streaming in one by one with their dancing skills to prove their ability to make the word of God enjoyable rather than a boring affair. The preacher moves with the congregation in response to the rapturous songs coming from speakers. He moves around the church in order to make his work lively and keep everybody attentive. Every row is fitted with a microphone and in addition there is a wireless microphone that goes around just in case there existing one develops technical problems. The people are expected to ask questions and make contribution to the topic of the day. Some take that opportunity to give their testimony, and some confess. Then time comes when the congregation receives blessings one by one from the preacher. People queue and pass by preacher’s section one by one, with stewards directing people. The preacher touches the fore head of individuals with some cold- like ice to bless the individual members of the congregation. My turn comes and I do the necessary, for nobody is left out. For some visitors like me, they find it difficult to follow all these doctrines and their being new in the church could easily get noticed. When the blessing were complete, the church goes quiet and the preacher announces that it is time to reflect on our past mistakes and sins and ask for forgiveness. This takes five minutes and the during this period the church goes silent that the only sound heard is from a hissing sound friction of the wind and the roof the church. The second last phase of the service involves group discussions, where people form temporary groups to learn from each other’s personal experience. This is part of the interactive process of the service. This process takes approximately fifteen minutes. The people seem comfortable with this session unlike the guests like us. Before I noticed that the groups were random, I could not identify myself with a group, since I did not want to be noticed. The collection of the offerings from the congregation begins after the group discussions. This process goes faster since small bags are circulated around for people to deposit their offerings. This is done as the slow and soft music streams from the speakers. Finally the preacher calls for any visitors to rise and introduce themselves. About nine visitors stand up and do the introduction one by one, giving their personal experience with the church. With this the preacher ends service as the music continues. The service is well planned with a clearly laid down procedure and role of the preacher in guiding the congregation. The choir does their part as they keep the congregation on toes with their emotional songs. In contrast to the traditional churches, the program is completely redefined to suit the composition of the congregation. The format is laid such that the music forms major part of the service. This is meant to contain the completely volatile group of this congregation, the youth. Then youth have proved to want something different from their fathers and forefathers (Gladys, 1993), ranging from music to sermon methodology. This is why the contemporary music of Kirk Franklin took most part of the service. The church seems to respond to the well to the youth’s social needs unlike their fathers who had experienced racial discriminations and therefore used the church as a podium to fight social injustice. The choice of dressing code here is also contemporary. The youth are known to be opposed to uniformity of the anything as they chose to explore and anywhere that seems to preserve their identity is definitely the best option (John 2003). The building is symbolic such that the roof top is fitted with a big cross. It is also oval, such that the preacher moves around at the center of the congregation. However, in contrast to the traditional design of the church buildings, this church is fitted with television sets, an effort to reach a bigger audience who could not reach the church. It is also a form of advertising the church such that more converts could turn out. The church does not offer any special service like Sunday school. This is visibly because the composition of the congregation is middle aged groups who are basically not yet parents. Another area which is completely different with other traditional churches is the Holy Communion. Here the Holy Communion is not part of the service, and instead the preacher does only the ritual of blessing by cold water smeared on the forehead. This is in line with this church’s doctrine. Conclusion The modern church has gone under several evolutions with new church doctrine being introduced in place of the traditional ones (Job, 1999). However the changes that have occurred have been fused into the system. Despite all these changes, there are some doctrines which have been retained. The rituals of blessings using water dates back to the bible history where the Jewish used to be blessed with the churches (Thomas, 1995). The symbol of cross, signifying the cross used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, make the church complete with the tradition similar to all traditional churches like the roman catholic with all their churches having crosses. The preacher order general observation of silence just like it is observed in the Roman Catholic Church, meant for the congregation to ask for forgiveness in silence (Joe, 2001). It is therefore clear that even though things have changed significantly, the common doctrines of the churches are still observed. Thomas, J. 1995: The legacy of African- American Church, New York, Revolution Publishers Joe, A. 2001: What’s Impressive about Briarwood Presbyterian? California, Religion Development Printers Rose, L. 1998: The Primacy of Preaching- How can we do it differently? Denver,Holy Publishers. Job L. 1999: Six Goals for Every Preacher- Bettering your approach as a preacher, New York, Revolution Publishers John F. 2003: Contemporary Church Vs Traditional one, Atlanta, Biblical Printers Gladys P. 1993: Do you have a favorite Book of The Bible, Atlanta, Biblical Printers

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House Essays

A Doll’s House   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In past history, society has been both very prejudiced and traditional with its view of gender roles. Often times a woman would not have had the same right to something as a man did. Many women however went against the law and tradition to do what they thought was right. In Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, Nora does something that is unimaginable during the time period. Nora’s husband Torvald believes he is the man of the house and that his wife should be grateful and entertaining for him. Nora however signs her father’s name to a document in an attempt to do something she feels is right. What she doesn’t realize though is that by doing so she has committed forgery. Nora’s act of forgery was inspired by many reasons, and resulted in both expected and unexpected outcomes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nora was inclined for many reasons to commit the forgery. At the time Torvald was on the verge of dying and Nora desperately wanted to save him. Doctors warned Nora that her husband’s â€Å"life was in danger† and the only thing that would â€Å"save him [was] a stay in the south† (Ibsen 976). Nora couldn’t afford to travel though and was forced to somehow find the money. During this time period however â€Å"a wife [couldn’t] borrow without her husband’s consent†, so Nora had to get a man’s signature to take out a loan (976). Nora knew Torvald would not take out a loan because it would hurt his reputation as a banker, so she forged her father’...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Inflation and Investment Essay

â€Å"Inflation Poses Serious Threats to Government† is an article by Leigh Thomas published by Agence France Presse. It deals with section three in the couse companion, Macroecnomics. The article details the negative effects of inflation and what has caused it. â€Å"Foreign Buyers Snap Up Us Real Estate† is an article by Stephanie Armour published by USA Today. It deals with section 4, International Trade. It deals with why U.S real estates are urging Foreigners to buy property in the U.S. The article â€Å"Inflation Poses Serious Threats to Government† focuses on the causes of inflation and the factors that lead to it. Good prices have lifted the inflation rates in Europe. European Unioin’s Eurostat agency said that inflation hit 3.6 percent. Economist Sonil Kapadia s tated that food and oil Prices are the main driers of inflation. Food prices rose 21 percent in China. The oil prices have caused a major dilemma by cutting extra consumer cash and affecting the poor countries negatively. Economists say tat inflation relief might be on the way in the coming months. In addition, inflation threatens economies in Af rica by encouraging governments to take â€Å"knee-jerk† reactions to cope with stress. Real estate agents urge foreign consumers to by land in the United States. The agents are even willing to pay for the air tickets and hotel bills. Because the dollar hit a new low against other currencies, the price of home will be cheaper for foreigners; a discount of 30 percent. This activity is mainly happening in tourists area with warm weathers such as New York and San Diego. Jacky Teplitzky, a real estate agent, said that sales for foreigners rose from 10 percent to 25 percent in the past year. Also, to help attrack foreign buyers, such firms hire foreign speakers in order to translate. Wohlfarth, owner of Wohlfarth & Associates, believes sthat people are diversifiying their investments by buying more land. Inflation due to the rise in food and oil prices has caused disastrous results in the world, especially in poor countries. Oil is often demanded but there is little supply. So this is a type of demand-pull inflation. To reduce aggregate demand, a government could use deflationary fiscal policy, increasing taxes and lowering government spennding and/or deflationary monetary policy, which is rasising interest rates and reducing the money supply. iF all oil producing cuntries increase the output without using more costs, then prices for oil wouldnt necessarily rise. This is Elasticity of supply. Also Elaasticity of demand may help prevent inflation. If the goods were elastic then buyers will resist the price rises. If there are a lot of substitutes for a certain product, then buyers will simply switch spending away from the more expensive products. So if food prices are increasing, it is advised that consumers switch to another brand, if one exists. It is an advantage for both the U.S and the foreign buyers that buy land now in the U.S. But this is occuring because the dollars value is sinking. To improve the economy more efficiently, it is best if the dollar rose its value. THe dollars low value may help real estate agents to buy more land but in the mean time, inflation could arise because of the low value of the dollar. IT wiould help if money market investors shift to the dollar for low interest rates.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Isak Dinesen’s “The Blue Jar” Essay

Blue Roller coasters are the best rides at amusement parks. On the way up your head is filed with mixed emotions and your body tingles with anticipation. On the way down your mind no longer thinks but reacts to the track ahead and your body is filled with excitement. Then, it is over. The ride was short and ended as quickly as it begun. Isak Dinesen’s â€Å"The Blue Jar† is like a roller coaster. Its plot follows the track of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion not once, but twice. Also, it isn’t only up and down but many twist and turns are discovered during the course of the plot as well. The effect of this unusual double plot exposes Helena’s character and her changes. The opening two paragraphs is the mini plot. The exposition introduces us to the main character, Lady Helena and her father, an old rich Englishman. They sail around the world to such places as Persia, Japan and China collecting blue china. The rising action is brief and consists of two words, â€Å"It happened.† Then the climax happens rapidly. The boat they are traveling on catches on fire and Helena is forgotten. Luckily, a young English sailor rescues her and carries her to a waiting lifeboat. The Falling action in the mini plot is their nine-day ordeal of floating for nine days before they are recovered. The conclusion of the concise plot is the Dutch merchantmen ship, Helena’s return to England, her reunion with her father and finally, the father paying and sending the young sailor who rescued her to the other hemisphere. The mini plot effects Helena in many ways. It shows the bond that Helena and her father have because they travel the world together. The old Englishman loves his daughter very much, â€Å"The old lord had believed his daughter to be dead. He now wept with joy, and at once took her off to a fashionable watering-place so that she might recover from the hard ships she has gone through.† The father loves her so much, he believes that it is unpleasant for Helena to think that she was rescued by someone from a lower class, â€Å"For what, would be the good of that.† The ending of the mini plot also arises questions about Helena. Is she going to recover? What is she going to do now? The mini plot also has grabbed the readers’ attention, drawn them into the story and changed the focus of the story to Helena. The major plot of the story has now taken over. The exposition is lady Helena’s recovery and her new apathetic view on life. The rising action entails that lady Helena has become obsessed with the perfect blue color. Even her father cannot distract her from her goal when he suggests that it might not exist. Helena’s reply, â€Å"Surely there must be some of it left from the time when all the world was blue.† The climax has Lady Helena ultimately finding her perfect blue jar she was in search of for so long. Her father has already passed away but Helena’s life is complete, â€Å"I have found it at last. This is the true blue.† The falling action takes over and her life’s meaning has ended, † now I can die. And when I am dead you will cut out my heart and lay it in the blue jar. For then everything will be as it was then. All shall be blue around me, and in the midst of the blue world my heart will be innocent and free, and will beat gently, like the wake that sings, like the drops that fall from an oar blade.† The conclusion is short; she dies shortly after her discovery. This major plot answers the question left by the mini plot. Yes, Helena recovers and she decided to look for a blue jar like her father use to collect blue china. This brings together the importance of the blue jar as it relates back to the mini plot exposure of Helena and her fathers bond. Her whole life she was surrounded by blue. When her and her father were sailing, she had the blue skies and the blue water. When she was at home with her father she had all the blue china. Blue meant safety and love to her and now her dead heart was engulfed in that same blue she had been looking for. The effect of this unusual double plot is that it exposes Helens true character. It also reveilles the love and bond Helena and her father share. Lastly, this unusual double plot makes the story interesting.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Marie Zakrzewska - Early Woman Medical Doctor

Marie Zakrzewska - Early Woman Medical Doctor Marie Zakrzewska Facts Known for:  established the New England Hospital for Women and Children; worked with Elizabeth Blackwell and Emily BlackwellOccupation:  physicianDates:  September 6, 1829 – May 12, 1902Also known as: Dr. Zak, Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska Background, Family: Mother: Caroline Fredericke Wilhelmina Urban: trained as a midwife, her mother was a veterinary surgeonFather: Ludwig Martin ZakrzewskaSiblings: Marie Zakrzewska was the eldest of six siblings Education: Berlin School for Midwives – enrolled 1849, graduated 1852Western Reserve College medical school, M.D. in 1856 Marie Zakrzewska Biography: Marie Zakrzewska was born in Germany to a family of Polish background. Her father had taken a government position in Berlin.   Marie at age 15 cared for her aunt and great-aunt.   In 1849, following her mother’s profession, she trained as a midwife at the Berlin School for Midwives at the Royal Charite Hospital.   There, she excelled, and on graduation earned a post at the school as head midwife and professor in 1852. Her appointment was opposed by many at the school, because she was a woman.   Marie left after just six months and, with a sister, moved to New York in March 1853. New York There, she lived in the German community doing piecework sewing.   Her mother and two other sisters followed Marie and her sister to America. Zakrzewska became interested in other women’s rights issue and in abolition.   William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips were friends, as were some refugees from Germany’s 1848 social upheaval. Zakrzewska met Elizabeth Blackwell in New York.   On finding out her background, Blackwell helped Zakrzewska get into Western Reserve’s medical training program. Zakrzewska graduated in 1856.   The school had admitted women into their medical program starting in 1857; the year Zakrzewska graduated, the school stopped admitting women. Dr. Zakrzewska went to New York as a resident physician, helping establish the New York Infirmary for Women and Children with Elizabeth Blackwell and her sister Emily Blackwell.   She also served as the instructor of nursing students, opened her own private practice, and at the same time served as the housekeeper for the Infirmary.   She became known to patients and staff as simply Dr. Zak. Boston When New England Female Medical College opened in Boston, Zakrzewska left New York for an appointment at the new college as professor of obstetrics.   In 1861, Zakrzewska helped to found the New England Hospital for Women and Children, staffed by women medical professionals, the second such institution, the first being the New York hospital founded by the Blackwell sisters. She was involved with the hospital until her retirement.   She worked for a time as the resident physician and also served as head nurse. She also served in administrative positions.   Through her years of association with the hospital, she also maintained a private practice. In 1872, Zakrzewska founded a nursing school associated with the hospital.   A noted graduate was Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first African American to work as a professional trained nurse in the United States. She graduated from the school in 1879. Zakrzewska shared her home with Julia Sprague, in what might have been, to use a term not used until later years, a lesbian partnership; the two shared a bedroom.   The home was also shared with Karl Heinzen and his wife and child. Heinzen was a German immigrant with political ties to radical movements. Zakrzewska retired from the hospital and her medical practice in 1899, and died May 12, 1902.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Clausal Structure in English essay

Clausal Structure in English essay Clausal Structure in English essay Clausal Structure in English essayThe causal structure in English has specific features that are distinct features of English language along with common structures that can be traced in other languages. At the same time, the study of causal structure should uncover the diversity of causal structure existing in English. At any rate, the current study focuses on the revelation of main causal structures and their specificities. The study of causal structure can reveal the main causal structures and clauses that exist in English, while participants of the study can reveal how those clauses and clausal structures are applied.Literature reviewThe clausal structure in English is complex. Researchers (Crystal, 1997) distinguish two major clausal structural elements: the main clause and finite or non-finite clause, which perform different functions respectively to the clause that is used in the utterance. At the same time, researchers (McCawley, 1998) point out that there are diverse types of clauses in English, including coordinate clause and subordinate clause, adverbial clauses, conditional clauses, adjective clauses, and others. However, researchers (Osborne Gros, 2012) agree that, in spite of the diversity of clauses, they still can perform specific functions depending on their use as the main clause or as finite/non-finite clause. At this point, researchers (Kroeger, 2005) place emphasis on the fact that the main clause can stand alone and, therefore, it is independent of the finite or non-finite clause. The latter is, on the contrary, is linked to the main clause and depends on it. As a result, the finite or non-finite element of the clause interacts with the main clause and the interaction or relationship between the main clause and finite or non-finite clause depends on the type of the clause (Radford, 2004). For instance, the coordinate clause implies the existence of the relationship of coordination between the main clause and finite/non-finite clause; the s ubordinate clause implies the relationship of subordination between the main clause and finite/non-finite clause; the conditional clause implies the relationship of condition between the main clause and finite/non-finite clause; and so on (Welty, 2007). In such a way, researchers (Plag, 2003) view the relationship between the main and finite or non-finite clause as the key to the definition of the clausal structure. The type of their relationship determines the type of the clause, to a significant extent.On the other hand, existing studies often focus on specific types of clauses but fail to provide the broader overview of diverse clauses to show the close relationship between the main clause and finite or non-finite clause to show their interaction and the difference between them as major functional elements of the clause. At the same time, the analysis of specific and diverse clauses can help to understand why the main clause is actually independent of the finite or non-finite cla use, whereas the finite or non-finite clause depends on the main clause.Research question and hypothesisThe research question is as follows:What are the major clauses in English and what are their function, distinct features and use in English?The hypothesis of the study is that, in spite of the difference and diversity of clauses existing in English, they may perform different function and play different part as they are either the main clause or finite/non-finite clause which may perform different functions depending on the goal of the utterance and use of the particular clause type.MethodologyThe methodology of the current study focused on the interview in the course of which participants of the study in regard to clauses and their functions and role in utterance and discourse. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the study involves the study of clauses and the survey helps to reveal the major clauses that exist in English and uncover their role and functions which may change depending on the change in the main and finite/ non-finite clause.The study involved professional linguists with the high level of proficiency in English. The involvement of experts in the study is justified by their knowledge in the field of clausal structures in English. Therefore, they could help to determine clauses, their structure, function and use in English today. The current study involved ten linguists, who had different cultural background and had the bachelor degree or higher in the field of linguistics. Experts involved in the study were both males and females, which were equally represented in the study with five men and five women involved in the study.In the course of the study, participants were interviewed and responded to questions concerning clauses and clausal structure in English. Their task was to classify clauses and explain the clausal structure. Responses of the participants of the study have shown their understanding and interpretation of claus es. They determined different types of clauses and commented on the use of clauses in English.Results and discussionIn the course of the study, experts involved in the study identified several types of clauses which had their own distinct features and performed different functions. The choice of the clause often depends on the purpose of the utterance. In this regard, the role of the main clause was particularly important because it could be used independently of finite or non-finite clause, whereas the latter had to be coordinated and condition in respect to the main clause and the purpose of utterance.Coordinate clausesThe simplest sentences may contain a single clause. A simple coordinate clause contains a sentence with more than one clause, which may be considered of equal grammatical importance that means that they are coordinate clauses. Two or more parts of the coordinate clause are joined by a coordinating conjunction, such as and, or, or but. For example:Peter can drive a c ar, he can drive a truck or he can drive a bus.Jane opened her door and John came in.Subordinate clausesSometimes the clauses are placed in the specific order, where the more important ones are main clauses, while the less important are subordinate clauses. The main or coordinate clause could be used independently as a sentence. Instead, a subordinate clause can be used only in a combination within the main clause and serves as a part of a sentence but not as a sentence on its own. A subordinate clause can perform functions of other clause elements, such as subject, object, complement and adverbial. Depending on the function performed by the main clause, it is nominal and adverbial/adjectival if they stand for subject, adverb or adjective respectively.That clause: I believe (that) you have watched the film. (That may be omitted if understood.)Wh- clause: I know what they bought last year. (Clause introduced by who, when, what, why, whether.)-ing clause: I dont recall knowing him at all. (Clause introduced by present participle.)inf. clause: I wish to be with you that day. (Clause introduced by to + infinitive.)Clausal Structure in English essay part 2

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 19 Steps to Becoming a College Professor

The 19 Steps to Becoming a College Professor SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Do you love conducting research? Do you enjoy engaging with students? Can you envision yourself working in academia? Then you're probably interested in learning how to become a college professor. What are the basic requirements for becoming a college professor? What specific steps should you take in order to become one? In this guide, we start with an overview of professors, taking a close look at their salary potential and employment growth rate. We then go over the basic college professor requirements before giving you a step-by-step guide to how to become one. Feature Image: Georgia Southern/Flickr Becoming a College Professor: Salary and Job Outlook Before we dive into our discussion of salaries and employment growth rates, it's important to be aware of the incredible challenge of becoming a college professor. These days, it is unfortunately well known thatthe number of people qualified to be professors far outnumbers the availability of professor job openings, which means that the job market is extremely competitive. Even if you do all the steps below, the chances of your actually becoming a college professor are slim- regardless of whether you want toteach in the humanities or sciences. Now that we've gone over the current status of the professor job market, let's take a look at some hard figures for salary and employment growth rate. Salary Potential First, what is the salary potential for college professors? The answer to this question depends a lot on what type of professor you want to be and what school you end up working at. In general, though, here’s what you can expect to make as a professor.According to a recent study conducted by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the average salaries for college professors were as follows: Full professors: $102,402 Associate professors: $79,654 Assistant professors: $69,206 Part-time faculty members: $20,508 As you can see, there’s a pretty big range in professors’ salaries, with full professors typically making $20,000-$30,000 more a year than associate and assistant professors do. For adjunct professors (i.e., part-time teachers), pay is especially dismal.Many adjunct professors have to supplement their incomes with other jobs oreven public assistance, such as Medicaid,just to make ends meet. One study notes that adjuncts make less than minimum wagewhen taking into account non-classroom work, including holding office hours and grading papers. All in all, it's clear that while it's possible to make a three-figure salary as a college professor, this is rare, especially considering thatmore than 75% of college professors are adjuncts. Employment Rates Now, what about employment rates for professor jobs?According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the projected growth rate for postsecondary teachers in the years 2016-2026 is 15%- that’s 8% higher than the average rate of growth of 7%. That said, most of this employment growth will be in part-time (adjunct) positionsandnot full-time ones. This means thatmost professor job openings will be those with the lowest salaries and lowest job security. In addition, this job growth will vary a lot by field (i.e., what you teach). The chart below shows the median salaries andprojected growth rates for a variety of fields for college professors (arranged alphabetically). Type of Professor Median Salary (2016) Employment Growth Rate (2016-2026) Agricultural Sciences $91,580 8 Anthropology and Archaeology $81,350 10 Architecture $79,250 11 Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies $73,020 10 Art, Drama, and Music $68,650 12 Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences $85,410 10 Biological Science $76,650 15 Business $77,490 18 Chemistry $76,750 10 Communications $65,640 10 Computer Science $77,570 8 Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement $59,590 12 Economics $95,770 11 Education $62,520 10 Engineering $97,530 15 English Language and Literature $63,730 10 Environmental Science $78,340 10 Foreign Language and Literature $63,500 12 Forestry and Conservation Science $85,880 8 Geography $76,810 8 Health Specialties $99,360 26 History $71,820 10 Law $111,210 12 Library Science $68,410 9 Mathematical Science $69,520 9 Nursing $69,130 24 Philosophy and Religion $68,360 12 Physics $84,570 10 Political Science $79,210 11 Psychology $73,140 15 Social Sciences $70,740 10 Social Work $64,030 10 Sociology $71,840 10 Source: As this chart indicates, depending on the field you want to teach in, your projected employment growth rate could range from 8% to as high as 26%. The fastest growing college professor field is health. Nursing has a growth rate of 24%, and health specialties has the highest growth rate at 26%. By contrast, the slowest growing fields (note that they’re still growing faster than average, though) include computer science, agricultural sciences, forestry and conservation science, and geography (all of which are at 8%). In terms of salaries, the highest goes to law professors, who make a median salary of $111,210 (this is the only field to have a salary in the six digits). On the opposite end, the lowest-earning field is criminal justice and law enforcement, whose professors make a median salary of $59,590- that’s about $50,000 less than what law professors make. University of Minnesota Duluth/Flickr College Professor Requirements and Basic Qualifications In order to become a college professor, you’ll need to have some basic qualifications. These can vary slightly among schools and fields, but, generally, you should expect to need the following qualifications before you can become a college professor. #1: Doctoral Degree in the Field You Want to Teach Most teaching positions at four-year colleges and universities expect applicants to have a doctoral degree in the field they wish to teach. For example, if you’re interested in teaching economics, you’d probably get a PhD in Economics. Or if you’re hoping to teach something like Japanese literature, you’d probably get a PhD in a relevant field, such as Japanese Studies, Japanese Literature, or Comparative Literature. Doctoral programs usually take five to seven years and require you to have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. (Note that many doctoral programs allow you to obtain your master’s along the way as well.) But is it possible to teach college-level classes without a doctoral degree? The answer is yes- at some schools and in certain fields. As the BLS notes, some community colleges and technical schools allow people with just a master’s degree to teach classes. However,these positions can be quite competitive, so if you've only got a master’s degree and are up against applicants with doctorates, you'll likely have a lower chance of standing out and getting a job offer. In addition, certain fields let those with just master's degrees teach classes. These include creative writing programs, for which you'd only need a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. #2: Teaching Experience Another huge plus for those looking to become professors is teaching experience. This means any experience with leading or instructing classes or students. Most professors gain teaching experience as graduate students. In many master’s and doctoral programs, students are encouraged (or even required) to either lead or assist with undergraduate-level classes. At some colleges, such as the University of Michigan, graduate students can get part-time teaching jobs as Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs).For this position, you'll usually teach undergraduate classes under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. Another college-level teaching job is theTeaching Assistant or Teacher’s Aide (TA).TAs assist the main professor (a full-time faculty member) with various tasks, such as grading papers, preparing materials and assignments, and even leading smaller discussion-based classes. #3: Professional Certification (Depending on Field) Depending on the field you want to teach, you might have to get certification in something in addition to getting a doctoral degree. Here's what the BLS saysabout this: "Postsecondary teachers who prepare students for an occupation that requires a license, certification, or registration, may need to have- or they may benefit from having- the same credential. For example, a postsecondary nursing teacher might need a nursing license or a postsecondary education teacher might need a teaching license." Generally speaking, you’ll only need certification or a license of some sort if you’re preparing to teach a more technical or vocational field, such as health, education, or accounting. Moreover, while you don’t usually need any teaching certification to be able to teach at the college level,you will need it if you want to teach at the secondary level(middle school or high school). #4: Publications and Prominent Academic Presence A high number of publications is vital to landing a job as a professor. Since full-time college-level teaching jobs are extremely competitive, it’s strongly encouraged (read: basically required) that prospective professors have as many academic publications as possible. This is particularly important if you’re hoping to secure a tenured position (which offers the best job security for professors). Indeed, the well-known saying "publish or perish" clearly applies to prospective professors as well as practicing professors. And it’s not simply that you’ll need a few scholarly articles under your belt- you'll also need to have big, well-received publications, such as books,especiallyif you want to be a competitive candidate for tenure-track teaching positions. Here’s what STEM professor Kirstie Ramsey has to sayabout the importance of publications and research when applying for tenured professor jobs: "Many colleges and universities are going through a transition from a time when research was not that important to a time when it is imperative. If you are at one of these institutions and you were under the impression that a certain amount of research would get you tenure, you should not be surprised if the amount of research you will need increases dramatically before you actually go up for tenure. At first I thought that a couple of peer-reviewed articles would be enough for tenure, especially since I do not teach at a research university and I am in a discipline where many people do not go into academe. However, during my first year on the tenure track at my current institution, I realized that only two articles would not allow me to jump through the tenure hoop." To sum up, it’s not just a doctorate and teaching experience that make a professor but also lots and lots of high-quality, groundbreaking research. How to Become a Professor: 19-Step Guide Now that we’ve gone over the basic college professor requirements, what specific steps should you take to become one? What do you need to do in high school? In college? In graduate school? Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to become a college professor. We’ve divided our 19 steps into four main parts: High School College Graduate School (Master’s) Graduate School (Doctorate) Part 1: High School It might sound strange to start your path to becoming a professor in high school, but doing so will make the entire process a lot smoother for you. Here are some of the most important preliminary steps you can take while still in high school: Step 1: Keep Up Your Grades Although all high school students should aim for strong GPAs, because you’re specifically going into the field of education, you’ll need to make sure you’re giving a little extra attention to your grades.Doing this proves that you’re serious not only about your future but also about education as a whole- the very field you’ll be entering! Furthermore, maintaining good grades is important for getting into a good college. Attending a good college could, in turn, help you get into a more prestigious graduate school and obtain a higher-paying teaching job. If you already have an idea of what subject you’d like to teach, try to take as many classes in your field as possible.For example, if you're a lover of English, you might want to take a few electives in subjects like journalism or creative writing.If you’re a science whiz, see whether you can take extra science classes (beyond the required ones) in topics like marine science, astronomy, or geology. As mentioned above, be sure you’re getting high marks in your classes, particularly in the ones most relevant to the field you want to teach. Step 2: Tutor in Your Spare Time One easy way of getting teaching experience as a high school student is to get involved in tutoring. Pick a subject you’re strong at- ideally, one you might want to teach in the future- and consider offering after-school or weekend tutoring services to your peers or students in lower grades. Tutoring will not only help you decide whether teaching is a viable career path for you but will also look great on your college applications as an extracurricular activity. Tutoring other students can help you determine whether you enjoy teaching. (NEC Corporation of America/Flickr) Step 3: Get a High SAT/ACT Score Since you’ll need to go to graduate school to become a professor, it’ll be helpful if you can get into a great college. To do this, you’ll want to have an impressive SAT/ACT score. Ideally, you’ll take your first SAT or ACT around the beginning of your junior year. This should give you enough time to take the test again in the spring and possibly a third time during the summer before or the fall of your senior year. The SAT/ACT score you’ll want to aim for depends heavily on which colleges you apply to.For more tips on how to set a goal score, check out our guides to what a great SAT/ACT score is. Step 4: Submit Impressive College Applications Though it’s great to attend a good college, where you go doesn’t actually matter too much- just as long as it offers an academic program in the (broad) field you’re thinking of teaching. To get into the college of your choice, however, you’ll still want to focus on putting together a great application, which will generally include the following: A high GPA and evidence of rigorous coursework Impressive SAT/ACT scores An effective personal statement/essay Strong letters of recommendation (if required) Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to work on your applications so you can submit the best possible versions of them before your schools’ deadlines. If you’re aiming for the Ivy League or another similarly selective institution, check out our expert guide on how to get into Harvard, written by a Harvard alum. Part 2: College Once you get into college, what can you do to help your chances of getting into a good grad school- and becoming a college professor? Here are the next steps to take. Step 5: Declare a Major in the Field You Want to Teach Perhaps the most critical step is to determine what exactly you want to teach in the future- and thenmajor in it (or a related field). For instance, if, after taking some classes in computer science, you decide that you really want to teach this subject, declare it as your major. If you’re still not sure what field you'll want to teach, you can always change your major later on or first declare your field of interest as a minor (and then change it to a major if you wish).If the field you want to teach is not offered as a major or minor at your college, try to take as many classes as possible in it. Although it’s not always required for graduate school applicants to have majored in the field they wish to study at the master’s or doctoral level, it’s a strong plus in that it shows you’ve had ample experience with the subject and will be able to perform at a high level right off the bat. Step 6: Observe Your Professors in Action Since you’re thinking of becoming a college professor, this is a great time to sit down and observe your professors to help you determine whether teaching at the postsecondary level is something you’re truly interested in pursuing. In your classes, evaluatehow your professors lecture and interact with students.What kinds of tools, worksheets, books, and/or technology do they use to effectively engage students? What kind of atmosphere do they create for the class? It’s also a good idea to look up your professors' experiences and backgrounds in their fields. What kinds of publications do they have to their name? Where did they get their master’s and/or doctoral degrees? Are they tenured or not? How long have they been teaching? If possible, I recommend meeting with a professor directly (ideally, one who's in the same field you want to teach) to discuss a career in academia. Most professors should be happy to meet with you during their office hours to talk about your career interests and offer advice. Doing all of this will give you an insider look at what the job of professor actually entails and help you decide whether it’s something you’re really passionate about. Step 7: Maintain Good Grades As you’ll need to attend graduate school after college, it’s important to maintain good grades as an undergraduate, especially in the field you wish to teach. This is necessary because most graduate programs require a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA for admission. Getting good grades also ensures that you’ll have a more competitive application for grad school, and indicates that you take your education seriously and are passionate about learning. Always aim high! Step 8: Get to Know Your Professors Aside from watching how your professors teach, it’s imperative to form strong relationships with them outside of class, particularly with those who teach the field you want to teach as well.Meet with professors during their office hours often. Consult them whenever you have questions about assignments, papers, projects, or your overall progress.Don’t be afraid to talk to them about your future goals. You essentially want to build a rapport with your professors; this is basically the same thing as networking.This way, you’ll not only get a clearer idea of what a professor does, but you’ll also guarantee yourself stronger, more cogent letters of recommendation for graduate school. Step 9: Gain Research and/or Publication Experience This isn’t an absolute necessity for undergraduates, but it can certainly be helpful for your future.If possible, try to gain research experience through your classes or extracurricular projects. For instance, you could volunteer to assist a professor with research after class or get a part-time job or internship as a research assistant. If neither option works, consider submitting a senior thesis that involves a heavy amount of research. Best case scenario, all of your research will amount to a publication (or two!) with your name on it. That being said, don’t fret too much about getting something published as an undergraduate. Most students don't publish anything in college yet many go on to graduate school, some of whom become college professors. Rather, just look at this as a time to get used to the idea of researching and writing about the results of your research. Step 10: Take the GRE and Apply to Grad School If you’re hoping to attend graduate school immediately after college, you’ll need to start working on your application by the fall of your senior year. One big part of your graduate school application will beGRE scores, which are required for many graduate programs.The GRE is an expensive test, so it’s best if you can get away with taking it just once (though there’s no harm in taking it twice). Although the GRE isn’t necessarily the most important feature of your grad school application, you want to make sure you’re dedicating enough time to it so that it’s clear you’re really ready for grad school. Other parts of your grad school application will likely include the following: Undergraduate transcripts Personal statement/statement of purpose Curriculum vitae (CV)/resume Letters of recommendation For more tips about the GRE and applying to grad school, check out our GRE blog. Part 3: Graduate School (Master’s) Once you’ve finished college, it’s time to start thinking about graduate school. I’m breaking this part into two sections: master’s and doctorate. Note that although some doctoral programs offer a master’s degree along the way, others don’t or prefer applicants to already have a master’s degree in the field. Step 11: Continue to Keep Up Your Grades Again, one of your highest priorities should be to keep up your grades so you can get into a great doctoral program once you finish your master’s program. Even more important, many graduate programs require students to get at least Bs in all their classes, or else they might get kicked out of the program! So definitely focus on your grades. Step 12: Become a TA One great way to utilize your graduate program (besides taking classes!) is to become a Teaching Assistant, or TA, for an undergraduate class. As a TA, you will not only receive a wage but will also gain lots of firsthand experience as a teacher at the postsecondary level. Many TAs lead small discussion sections or labs entirely on their own, giving you a convenient way to ease into college-level teaching. TAs’ duties typically involve some or all of the following: Grading papers and assignments Leading small discussion or lab sections of a class (instead of its large lecture section) Performing administrative tasks for the professor Holding office hours for students The only big negative with being a TA is the time commitment. Therefore, be sure you're ready and willing to dedicate yourself to this job without sacrificing your grades and academic pursuits. Becoming a TA can teach you a lot about ... teaching. (Center for Teaching Vanderbilt University/Flickr) Step 13: Research Over the Summer Master’s programs in the US typically last around two years, giving you at least one summer during your program. As a result,I strongly recommend using this summer to conduct some research for your master’s thesis. This way you can get a head start on your thesis and won't have to cram in all your research while also taking classes. What's more, using this time to research will give you a brief taste of what your summers might look like as a professor, as college professors are oftenexpected to perform research over their summer breaks. Many graduate programs offer summer fellowships to graduate students who are hoping to study or conduct research (in or outside the US). My advice?Apply for as many fellowships as possible so you can give yourself the best chance of getting enough money to support your academic plans. Step 14: Write a Master’s Thesis Even if your program doesn’t require a thesis, you’ll definitely want to write one so you can have proof that you're experienced with high-level research. This type of research could help your chances of getting into a doctoral program by emphasizing your commitment to the field you’re studying.It will also provide you with tools and experiences that are necessary for doing well in a doctoral program and eventually writing a dissertation. Step 15: Apply to Doctoral Programs OR Apply for Teaching Jobs This step has two options depending on which path you'd rather take. If you really want to teach at a four-year college or university, then you must continue on toward a doctorate. The application requirements for doctoral programs are similar to those for master’s programs. Read our guide for more information about grad school application requirements. On the other hand, if you’ve decided that you don’t want to get a doctorate and would be happy to teach classes at a community college or technical school, it’s time to apply for teaching jobs. To start your job hunt, meet with some of your current or past professors who teach the field you, too, will be teaching. Ask whether they know of any job openings at nearby community colleges or technical schools. You might also be able to use some of your professors as references for your job applications(just be sure to ask them before you write down their names!). If you can't meet with your professors or would rather look for jobs on your own, try browsing the career pages on college websites or looking up teaching jobs on the search engineHigherEdJobs. Part 4: Graduate School (Doctorate) The final part of the process (for becoming a college professor at a four-year institution) is to get your doctoral degree in the field you wish to teach. Here’s what you’ll need to do during your doctoral program to ensure you have the best chance of becoming a college professor once you graduate. Step 16: Build Strong Relationships With Professors This is the time to really focus on building strong relationships with professors- not just with those whose classes you've taken but also with those who visit the campus to give talks, hold seminars, attend conferences, etc. This will give you a wider network of people you know who work in academia, which will (hopefully) make it a little easier for you to later land a job as a professor. Make sure to maintain a particularly strong relationship with your doctoral advisor. After all, this is the professor with whom you'll work the most closely during your time as a doctoral student and candidate. Be open with your advisor: ask her for advice, meet with her often, and check that you’re making satisfactory progress toward both your doctorate and your career goals. Don't be afraid to go to your professor's office and have a chat! (Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus/Flickr) Step 17: Work On Getting Your Research Published This is also the time to start getting serious about publishing your research. Remember, it's a huge challenge to find a job as a full-time professor, especially if all you have is a PhD but no major publications. So be sure to focus on not only producing a great dissertation but also contributing to essays and other research projects. As an article in The Conversation notes, "By far the best predictor of long-term publication success is your early publication record- in other words, the number of papers you’ve published by the time you receive your PhD. It really is first in, best dressed: those students who start publishing sooner usually have more papers by the time they finish their PhD than do those who start publishing later." I suggest asking your advisor for advice on how to work on getting some of your research published if you’re not sure where to start. Step 18: Write a Groundbreaking Dissertation You'll spend most of your doctoral program working on your dissertation- the culmination of your research. In order to eventually stand out from other job applicants, it’s critical to come up with a highly unique dissertation.Doing this indicates that you’re driven to conduct innovative research and make new discoveries in your field of focus. You might also consider eventually expanding your dissertation to a full-length book. Step 19: Apply for Postdoc/Teaching Positions Once you’ve obtained your doctorate, it's time to start applying for college-level teaching jobs! One option you have is to apply forpostdoctoral (postdoc)positions. A postdoc is someone who has a doctorate and who temporarily engages in "mentored scholarship and/or scholarly training." Postdocs are employed on a short-term basis at a college or university to help them acquire more research and teaching experience. While you can theoretically skip the postdoc position and dive straight into applying for long-term teaching jobs, many professors have found that their postdoc work helped them build up their resumes/CVs before they went on to apply for full teaching positions at colleges. Inan article on The Muse, Assistant Professor Johanna Greeson at Penn writes the following about her postdoc experience: "Although I didn’t want to do a post-doc, it bought me some time and allowed me to further build my CV and professional identity. I went on the market a second time following the first year of my two-year post-doc and was then in an even stronger position than the first time." Once you’ve completed your postdoc position, you can start applying for full-time faculty jobs at colleges and universities. And what's great is thatyou’ll likely have a far stronger CV/resume than you had right out of your doctoral program. Conclusion: How to Become a College Professor Becoming a college professor takes years of hard work, but it’s certainly doable as long as you know what you'll need to do in order to prepare for the position and increase your chances of securing a job as a professor. Overall, it's extremely difficult to become a professor. Nowadays,there are many more qualified applicants than there are full-time, college-level teaching positions,making tenured positions in particular highly competitive. Although the employment growth rate for professors is a high 15%, this doesn't mean that it'll be easy to land a job as a professor.Additionally, salary levels for professors can vary a lot depending on the field they teach and the institution they work at; you could make as little as $20,000 a year (as a part-time, or adjunct, professor) or as much as $100,000 or higher (as a full professor). For those interested in becoming a professor, the basic college professor requirements are as follows: A doctoral degree in the field you want to teach Teaching experience Professional certification (depending on your field) Publications and prominent academic presence In terms of the steps needed for becoming a college professor, I will list those again briefly here. Feel free to click on any steps you'd like to reread: Part 1: High School Step 1: Keep Up Your Grades Step 2: Tutor in Your Spare Time Step 3: Get a High SAT/ACT Score Step 4: Submit Impressive College Applications Part 2: College Step 5: Declare a Major in the Field You Want to Teach Step 6: Observe Your Professors in Action Step 7: Maintain Good Grades Step 8: Get to Know Your Professors Step 9: Gain Research and/or Publication Experience Step 10: Take the GRE and Apply to Grad School Part 3: Graduate School (Master’s) Step 11: Continue to Keep Up Your Grades Step 12: Become a TA Step 13: Research Over the Summer Step 14: Write a Master’s Thesis Step 15: Apply to Doctoral Programs or Apply for Teaching Jobs Part 4: Graduate School (Doctorate) Step 16: Build Strong Relationships With Professors Step 17: Work On Getting Your Research Published Step 18: Write a Groundbreaking Dissertation Step 19: Apply for Postdoc/Teaching Positions Good luck with your future teaching career! What’s Next? Considering other career paths besides teaching? Then check out our in-depth guides to how to become a doctor and how to become a lawyer. No matter what job (or jobs!) you end up choosing, you'll likely need a bachelor's degree- ideally one from a great school.Get tips on how to submit a memorable college application, and learn how to get into Harvard and other Ivy League schoolswith our expert guide. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The dynamics of employment relations in British Airways Essay

The dynamics of employment relations in British Airways - Essay Example According to the research findings employment relations refer to the collective and individual dimensions of labour and the associated buying and selling of this labour power. However, fundamentally the definition of employment relations does not remain restricted to the field of trade unions, government agencies and employer’s associations or processes of collective bargaining; it rather focuses on employment relationships. Poole has rightly defined the scope of employment relationships as a discipline concerning the systematic and organised study of all the aspects of employment relationships in the organizations. This relationship is generated when an employee sells his capacity of work in exchange for wages and other benefits. It also considers the potential disagreement between employees and employers and considers the broader context in which organizations operate, influence of the broader nature of economic activities, analyses the basis of conflicts and accommodations between employers and employees and develops interdisciplinary approaches based on ideas and concepts derived from sociology, psychology or even economics. This assignment analyses the various employee engagement strategies and employment relations strategies in British Airways and the associated policies and practices implemented by the organization. This is done in the context of suitability or fitness of these strategies with the present and emerging trends of business. The use of these strategies and their impacts in driving organizational performance and productivity are analysed in the project. The project also analyses whether and how British Airways evaluates the performance of its employees. Based on this analysis suitable recommendations are provided with regards to the current employment relationship strategies in the organization. This is done to ensure they are strategically beneficial for the organization and are cost effective too. Finally an action plan is provided w ith clearly defined processes and practices along with the likely outcomes they could generate for the organization. Findings Employment Relations in the organization British Airways began its existence within the public sector and had majority of its characteristics in tandem with employment relations of the public sector organizations. The organization was highly unionised and recognised sixteen separate trade unions. One of these was BALPLA (British Airlines Pilots Association). This union

Contemporary Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Management - Essay Example In this study, we will tackle how, a leading online seller of books and reading materials, advance its business strategies in a global scale applying theory contemporary management in reaching its market goals effectively. This paper will specifically (a) analyze effective management and the evolution of management’s ideation; (b) analyze effects, influences and changes from numerous factors using theory of contemporary management; (c) examine how management theory can be optimized in’s organization; (d) evaluate the significance and impact of information technologies in contemporary business operation; and finally, (e) appreciate how information systems are optimized to support’s management’s decision-making. Theories of Management Contemporary business management is distinguished by some significant factors with other theories of management. The latter is inclusive of scientific, bureaucratic management, human relations m ovement and progressive management development (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Scientific management theory, which is more widely practiced in the 18th to mid-19th centuries by then emerging large industries, deals with routinary tasks in the manufacturing industries (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). ... 1). The dehumanizing and enslaving relations at workplaces under these management theories motivated workers to deliberate their rights and fought for human relations movement to improve their situations in work places (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Impelled by labor unrest and uprisings, workers demanded for business management that respects their skills, capacities and intelligence (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). They asserted, as reflected with corporate behaviorism, that organizational integrity and development could only be attained if workers rights and needs are considered by the companies (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Bolstered by these movements, workers were capacitated, coached, and mentored for their career development and supervisory skills acquisition (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Most workers were sent to school to acquire knowledge on effective business operation and human resource management (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Nowadays, companies embraced contemporary management which is featured with con tingency, systems and chaos theories (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). The first theory contended that the management assume the power of decision-makings using frameworks and approaches with better leadership styles (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). Contemporary leadership adopts the confluence of transformational, transactional, principle-centered and charismatic styles to manage human resources to ascertain that they are well-motivated to meet goals while engaging clients for their respective service satisfaction (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). On the other hand, systems theory extols functional systematic operational procedures laid for workers in business operations and in human resource management (McNamara, 2012, p. 1). The system includes regular meetings, planning, implementation, monitoring,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hamlet William Shakespeare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hamlet William Shakespeare - Research Paper Example Claudius ascends to the throne after King Hamlet’s death and marries Gertrude, Prince Hamlet’s mother. In itself, psychoanalytic perspective is attributed to the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud (6 May 1856- 23 September 1939). Psychoanalytic perspective is a method of personality in which dream interpretation, free association and analysis of transference and resistance are expended in unconscious and repressed impulses, internal conflicts and anxieties. The theory can also be used understand personality and it is emphatic on unconscious and repressed forces and is inclusive of concepts such as infantile sexuality, transference, resistance and the division of the human psyche into the ego, the id and the superego. Put simply, Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective or theory considers the structure of the mind, specifically, the id (the set of instinctual and uncoordinated trends), the ego (the realistic and organised part which mediates between the desires of the super ego and the id) and the superego (performs the moralising and critical role) and the manner in which conflict among these separate parts get resolved in determining or shaping human personality. For one, from the play, one understands that Hamlet’s ego is very strong. This is seen in the manner in which Hamlet is first reluctant of judging his uncle Claudius of being guilty of his father’s death. This is despite the fact that King Hamlet’s ghost had already appeared to Prince Hamlet and informed him that King Hamlet had been killed by Claudius who poured juice of the cursed hebenon in King Hamlet’s ear and thus caused Hamlet’s skin to be covered in loathsome and vile crust and his blood to curd. It is against the backdrop of the development above that Hamlet crafts a plan to have the evidence of Claudius’ culpability to his father’s death. Hamlet makes and stages a play which simulates King Hamlet’s death. Hamlet’s

Why drug testing should not be allowed in schools Research Paper

Why drug testing should not be allowed in schools - Research Paper Example The paper discusses briefly on the reasons why drug testing makes apparent sense and then talks in greater detail about why it should not be allowed for the right reasons on issues very closely related to it. The brief digression is intended to highlight the rationale why it should not be allowed at all. It can be safely said that there are always two sides to an issue; debate and arguments can get heated and become divisive as long as people hold opposing views and stands on issues which they think and feel affect them and has an important bearing on their lives. This is the case with issues like abortion, euthanasia (mercy killing), same-sex unions, organ donations, the more recently-repealed DADT (dont ask, dont tell) policy in the military services and many others. A more closely-related legal issue is the use of plea bargains which critics say tends to undermine the whole judicial system by letting criminals off the hook lightly with a suspension or probation. This is the same situation with regards to the use of drug testing, whether voluntary or not. This particular issue resonates with almost everyone concerned, as the problem of drug use is quite a widespread social and health problem, given the proliferation of illegal drugs in society today. The drug problem is certainly a menace and many citizens feel that American society is about to overwhelmed by the enormity of this problem. Various solutions have been proposed to deal with it and drug testing is gaining popularity because it seems to make sense to most people. The idea of drug testing has caught on even among populist politicians, who proposed using it in varied aspects of American life such as applying for welfare benefits, where a welfare applicant has to take the drug test first and if he comes out clean, then he gets reimbursed for the expense and qualifies for welfare. If not, he waits for one year and take the test again (Cohen, 2011, p. 1). The idea has even been

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managerail Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managerail Economics - Research Paper Example Obviously C&D and E&F are smaller than A&B. 2. The cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the demand for one good to a change in the price of another good (Mankiw). In the assignment, products A and B are substitutes since the cross-price elasticity is postive, at +3.6. Products C and D with cross price elasticity of 5.4 are also substitutes. When the cross price elasticity is positive,it means that the demand for product 1 increases as the price of the other good increases,threfore they are substitues. MU of prod A/price of prod A = MU of prod B/price of prod B = MU of prod C/price of prod C = MU of prod D/price of prod D = MU savings/price savings, which is equal to 36/$18 = 12/$6 = 8/$4 = 2/$1. The marginal utility divided by the price is equals to 2. 4. What are given: Income from pottery sales = $ 72,000 Costs: Helper = 12,000/ year yield on the $40,000 if invested = $4000/year Rent = 5000/year salary as a potter = $15,000/year Materials = $ 20,000/year Equipment = $40,000 Entrepreneurial Talent = $3000 Acccounting profit (1st year)= $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -40,000 = -5000 On the 2nd year if there is no purchase of equipment = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 = $35000 Economic profit = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -40,000-3000-4000-15,000 = -$27,000 On the 2nd year if there is no purchase of equipment = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -3000-4000-15,000 = $13000 References 23 April 2010 . Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics. 3rd. South-Western College Publishing,

Retailing Management - Target Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Retailing Management - Target - Research Paper Example The company makes its international strategy effective by incorporating its UK strategy and fine tuning it to suit the cultural differences in order to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers in the different international markets it operates in. In order to achieve excellence in international operations, Tesco needs to maintain consistency in its quality and consumer experience by venturing into the business insights (Tesco, 2011). The main and critical component in the Tesco’s decision making process is its web-based business intelligence application product. This application is recognized for its speed, functionality and the flexibility necessary for the timely delivery of fashion products to the Tesco users worldwide. This is based on the technology developed by Tesco along with its Group retail MIS system. The Group retail MIS system helps the company in identifying the key areas of operations, finance, customers and people. This guides and facilitates the to p management in measuring the store based performance of the company. Tesco’s strategic objectives thus have been focused upon the Group MIS which encourages and improvises on the local reporting and gives strategic insight into the functioning (Coriolis, 2004). Tesco: Environmental and Strategic analysis Understanding the environment and the influences which results from the changes provides different dimensions and challenges to strategic decision making but making sense of this diversity requires greater efforts and involves identifying the political, economic, social and technological influences which affect the organization. The PESTLE Analysis of Tesco involves the political environment which analyzes the local and national impact of the government. It also looks into the government laws and policies that have an impact on international business operations. The activity and momentum in the economy, such as fluctuations in the stock market and increase in the tax rates w ill have a significant impact on the company. Sociological factors include the changes in the culture and way of living of the people in general. It includes the changes in consumer behavior and their pattern of purchasing. For example, the new trend of e-commerce and online shopping brings in new technologies that the company will have to adapt. Environmental factors also play an important role as Tesco has to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities. It has to work on reducing the usage of fossil fuels in its transportation process (Case study, 2006). Possible environmental issues which Tesco will face in the near future are: Political - Ban of sale of alcohol to public above the age of 21 by the government. Economic - Implementation of tax on food by the government. Sociological- Tesco’s entry into US and Russia will help in expanding its operations and increasing its sales and profit levels. It helps in expanding the company’s horizon beyond the UK and overcom e cultural barriers. Technological- A significant part of Tesco’s distribution costs consists of hydrogen powered lorries. Legal- The task of paying huge compensation claims has been disputed by Tesco. Environmental- The changes in the climatic conditions could have an impact on suppliers’ strategies and objectives. Porters Five forces Model affecting Tesco The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managerail Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managerail Economics - Research Paper Example Obviously C&D and E&F are smaller than A&B. 2. The cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the demand for one good to a change in the price of another good (Mankiw). In the assignment, products A and B are substitutes since the cross-price elasticity is postive, at +3.6. Products C and D with cross price elasticity of 5.4 are also substitutes. When the cross price elasticity is positive,it means that the demand for product 1 increases as the price of the other good increases,threfore they are substitues. MU of prod A/price of prod A = MU of prod B/price of prod B = MU of prod C/price of prod C = MU of prod D/price of prod D = MU savings/price savings, which is equal to 36/$18 = 12/$6 = 8/$4 = 2/$1. The marginal utility divided by the price is equals to 2. 4. What are given: Income from pottery sales = $ 72,000 Costs: Helper = 12,000/ year yield on the $40,000 if invested = $4000/year Rent = 5000/year salary as a potter = $15,000/year Materials = $ 20,000/year Equipment = $40,000 Entrepreneurial Talent = $3000 Acccounting profit (1st year)= $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -40,000 = -5000 On the 2nd year if there is no purchase of equipment = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 = $35000 Economic profit = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -40,000-3000-4000-15,000 = -$27,000 On the 2nd year if there is no purchase of equipment = $72,000 - 12,000 - 5000 - 20,000 -3000-4000-15,000 = $13000 References 23 April 2010 . Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics. 3rd. South-Western College Publishing,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gender Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender Issues - Research Paper Example of discrimination, gender, and roles among men and women as those that influence our day-to-day activities and what traits we pick to interact with other people. Gender is the state of being either male or female; hence, discrimination in gender refers to the prejudicial treatment of someone because of his or her gender. Gender discrimination, according to most researchers, is most likely to be experienced at place of work rather than anywhere else. Gender discrimination at work place includes in hiring, promotion, demotion, unequal pay or benefits, harassment, hostile work environment or firing. The New York Times relates to gender issue the fact that Hillary Clinton was not appointed the Vice President, but Joe Biden appointed. Her backers and supporters seemingly perceived this as gender discrimination. That remains largely arguable. Even so, some authors, such as Wollstonecraft, have argued that women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions, which men think it manly to pay to the sex, when, in fact, men are insultingly supporting their own superiority." Such feelings elaborate the masculine discrimination that cle verly elevates the stature of men in the society. Sex is commonly used by men degrade women and make them feel inferior to them while still making sure that they do not rise above them. Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people have not yet been openly accepted by the society. Pew Research Center shows that, 92% of the LGBTQ persons say that today society has become more accommodating and more than half of them believe that by the end of the decade, more people will accept them. Recent legislation passed in different states in the country, allowing and legalizing these groups of people, is a sign that finally the society is embracing them. The church, which has been a strong advocate against them, is finally warming up to them. The recent appointment of a gay clergy has shown that the groups’ advocacy

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Organizational Culture in Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Impact of Organizational Culture in Decision Making Essay In any organization, decision making has traditionally been put in the hands of the management or superiors. An organization’s hierarchy emerges when an organization experiences problems in coordinating and motivating employees. As an organization grows, employees increase in number and begin to specialize, performing widely different kinds of tasks; the level of differentiation increases; and coordinating employees’ activities becomes more difficult (Jones, 2004). As globalization and information technology has changed every sector of the world, business organizations have attuned to demand their leaders to make decisions quickly, without needless ado, and move on to other pressing matters. This creates the temptation to make the decision unilaterally, for the sake of speed and efficiency, and be done with it. On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly clear that healthy organizations characteristically find strength in opening up participation in decision making and empowering relevant people at all levels of the organization to contribute to the quality of the decisions made. There are two reasons for making decision making in organizations more dynamic. First, empowering people to participate in important decisions is highly motivating to them and second, broad participation infuses the decision making process with the full spectrum of knowledge and good ideas that people throughout the organization have to contribute. On the other hand, the concept of organizational culture is at the core of understanding organizational behavior such as decision making. Organizational culture involves the norms that develop in a work group, the dominant values advocated by the organization, the philosophy that guides the organizations policies concerning employees and client groups, and the feeling that is evident in the ways in which people interact with one another. Thus, it clearly deals with basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of the organization. Taken together, these define the organization itself in crucial ways: why it exists, how it has survived, what it is about. As an organization’s culture influences decisions made by its members it also influences its members’ acceptance or rejection of decisions made by its leaders. So when an organization changes its strategy, the primary interest involves assessment of the compatibility of a decision option with the organization’s culturewhere an option is defined as a possible course of action in the case of a member who is making a decision, or a proposed course of action in the case of a decision that has been made by leaders (Beach, 1996, p. 118). For example, CEOs in different industries vary considerably from one another in terms of their background characteristics and experience, an observation that has intrigued the business and academic press. For example, a widely scrutinized and publicized CEO selection decision was Apple Computers decision in 1985 to replace founder Steven Jobs with John Sculley, an industry outsider with virtually no experience in the technology-driven personal computer industry. The arguments in this controversial decision centered around the relative suitability of these individuals given the changing nature of the personal computer industry. As a result of changing industry conditions in which marketing and advertising were viewed as increasingly important strategic levers, Sculley’s marketing background and experience at Pepsis beverage operations were expected to make him a better â€Å"fit† as CEO than the technologically oriented Steve Jobs (Datta, Guthrie Rajagopalan, 2002). In this regard, the impact of organization culture in decision making is seen to be very vital. Organizational culture is a powerful environment that reflects past experiences, summarizes them, and distills them into simplifications that help to explain the enormously complex world of the organization. Efforts to reduce this complexity through simplification processes such as imposing decision-making models on it are not likely to be very workable. In this view, therefore, the culture of the organization represents significant thinking prior to action and is implicit in the decision making behavior of the organization’s leaders. So when two organizations merge, there will be an impact in it uniting the culture as to who will make the decision and the issue of empowerment and participation. Empowerment and participation would be viewed by some leaders as losing power by giving it away to others. However, modern empowering leaders understand that one gains power by sharing it with others because in collaborative effort the power available to the group multiplies. To make this effective, this effort should be accompanied by the support of ongoing technical training and consultation to help all participants to master the group process skills that are essential to making empowerment succeed. They must also be accompanied by the development of concrete and publicly known processes through which one participates in the collaborative process.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Friendship Essay: What Makes A Good Friend? -- Friendship Essay, Person

A friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is someone you can always count on when times are tough. The dictionary's definition of a good friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A good friend is there when you are struggling. For example, when a boy breaks your heart a good friend walks you through it and offers a shoulder to cry on. According to Bree Neff, a good friend is someone who is trustworthy, doesn't talk behind your back, listens to your problems, gives good advice and tries to lend humor along with his or her support. There are also bad friends, those who pretend to care and then turn around gossiping and starting drama. Good and bad friends are all around you, involved in your everyday life. To find good friends you should look for such traits as being kind, trustworthy, loyal and dependable. A good friend must be kind because being kind is when they look out for you no matter what! If they hear girls talking about you, they are the friends that stop them. Friends look out for you even when you are arguing. A friend understands that you may not always get along but you should always try and be there for them and look out for them. Although this can be difficult at times, it proves how kind and loving you are. Another part of being kind is listening to one and another. Sometimes we don't care about what are friends have to say, but listening is really important. Listening shows that you value their friendship. Some friends only talk about themselves and never listen to your problems; that is not a good friend. Listening to each other helps you learn about the person as it shows character and tells that person you can count on them. In addition, being a ... trouble. They are someone that will be there when you just need someone to talk. You can rely on them to show you they care, and be there till the end. A good friend may not have all these traits. If someone is a gossip, you shouldn't get too close with him or her. If they are known for betrayal and being dishonest you should think about it and probably take one step away from them. According to the site â€Å"Being Friends,† friends should listen to each other, not put each other down to hurt one another, understand each others feelings, disagree without hurting each other, and be dependable and trustworthy. When finding friends you should look out for the good and the bad. See which traits are most important to you and make sure your friends have more good than bad traits. This will create compatible friends for you who hopefully remain with you for a lifetime!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Life-Span Developmental Approach to Counseling Essay -- essays res

The life-span development approach addresses the basic nature versus nurture debate by allowing for both. Just as our physicals selves are determined by both genetics and lifestyle, so are our emotional selves. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I plan to consider life-span development to specialize in counseling a specific type of person with hopes of becoming well-versed, and therefore more helpful, in the types of experiences that group faces. â€Å"Personality can be better understood if it is examined developmentally† (Santrock, 2006, p. 45). Considering cognitive, biological, and socioemotional development throughout life will provide context, guideposts, and reasonable expectations for counselors. Life-span development theories also provide a useful place to start when offering emotional support as a counselor. Understanding an individual’s previous stages of development and environment can give a counselor and individual a common place from which to start counseling. Most of the developmental theorists discussed in section one of Santrock—Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Konrad Lorenz, and to an extent B. F. Skinner—focused mostly on early or childhood development. Early development, when considered in a life-span context of development, can give an LPC insight in an individual’s personality. Regardless of specialization, a counselor can weigh early behaviors against his or her contemporary observations, giving them a fuller context. â€Å"Actual development requires more [than genetic loading]: an environment† (Santrock, 2006, p. 98). Two cognitive developmental theories support Santrock’s assertion of environmental influence on early development. First, Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory defines how a person behaves as how a person adapts to his or her environment. An individual’s behavior is an adaptive process driven by a biological drive to obtain balance between schemes and the environment (Huitt and Hummel, 2003). This theory states that development is a byproduct linking and relating our experiences to each other, starting with general environmental knowledge, until a person’s cognitive ability is composed of more abstract reasoning. The second cognitive theory emphasizes social and cultural environment. Vygotsky’s theory points to our relationships with others as the definitions of ourselves (Nicholl, 1998, par. 13). Two other theo... ...span development is a multi-faceted approach to counseling. Using these and other theories gives a licensed professional counselor a variety of tools for counseling. I expect these theories to help me determine a specialty in my future practice, relying on the overlap and complexity of working in terms of an entire human life. References?Boeree, C. George. (1997). Erik Erikson: 1902 to 1994. Shippensburg, PA: Shippensburg University. Retrieved 21 June 2005 from Huitt, W. (1997). Socioemotional development. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved 22 June 2005, from Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved 21 June 2005 from Nicholl, P .M. (Trish). 1998. Vygotsky. Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University. Retrieved 21 June 2005 from Santrock, John H. (2006) Life-Span Development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hypocritical America Essay

Hypocrisy is an act of condemning another person’s act without realizing one’s own characteristic towards being guilty of the same aspect of correspondence. (Wikipedia, 2007). Most of the time, this form of behavior to whom it is associated to is subject to be attributed to the environmental factor while the acts of an observed individual is interpreted to be an innate characteristic of doing wrongful acts. In modern times, hypocrisy is also well identified. Apparently, the world also finds America to be guilty of such hypocritical acts. Why does the world seem to single out America on hypocrisy? Basically, it seems that the international community is very aware how the country responds to the different elemental factors happening in the world. Let us see some good examples. We can begin in the aspect of building arms and military might. It is very obvious that each country should at least have a form of security measures in order to protect it from external intrusions. Thus, weapons should be fabricated and acquired by any nation who wishes to protect them. However, America apparently keeps on monitoring the entire world’s activities and sometimes even interferes to initiate a common consensus among its allies to prevent one country from producing these armaments. In extreme cases, it (America) is very sensitive when it comes to other states producing their own nuclear facilities and always justifies that it may be used to destabilize the peace and order in the world. America just ignores the fact that it is actually one of the biggest keepers of nuclear arsenal in the entire international community (Gibson, 1996). In terms of capitalistic approach, the US is also perceived to be very deceitful. When an American investor unit wishes to enter a certain market, especially those of the third-world group, it imposes a certain range of requirements instead of following the legal process in the country. Many of the local businessmen in these poor nations are not really optimistic that they will get a fair share in the market with the presence of a US brand competitor. It is very obvious for this factor to be realized because of quite numerous protests in each country which the US investors try to settle in (People’s Daily, 2000). One more aspect of hypocrisy of the US, according to how the world takes it, is its complete intention to manipulate and interfere in the government processes of other states. For example, if a certain nation is going to apply for a loan with the IMF or World Bank (which both have very high influence states from the US), there will always be a type of bargaining agreement aside from the actual supposedly credit money factors. There is always a requirement to let the United States to impose whatever it sees fitting to a domestic problem of a particular country. Some people say that the act of hypocrisy can sometimes be very beneficial to a society since it actually exposes the harsh truth that concerns and problems abound in this world and that resolutions are not always sufficient to solve them. However, in the case of the United States, there is a growing perception that the country is no longer capable of sustaining the supposedly â€Å"good† effects of hypocrisy since it only considers its total welfare over its relations to other nations. In any case, if there are too many individuals who are no longer satisfied with how the world works, it is very possible for them to initiate an act which will result to undesirable consequences not only for America but also for the whole international community. It would be very ideal for the US to reconsider its policies to maintain a sound relationship with other nations in the world. References Gibson, J. 1996. Complete List of All U. S. Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear Weapons Archive. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://nuclearweaponarchive. org/Usa/Weapons/Allbombs. html. People’s Daily. 2000. China Protest Against US Arms Sales to Taiwan. People’s Daily. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://english. peopledaily. com. cn/english/200004/09/eng20000409_38583. html. Wikipedia. 2007. Hypocrisy. Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hypocrisy.